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Affiliates network is as program based on a marketing method in which a Merchant or an Advertiser gives commissions or rewards his Affiliate or Affiliates.
The Merchant pays for every business transaction or client brought through the Affiliates advertising efforts.
The Affiliate network is based on 4 main key characters:

  1. The Merchant, also known as Advertiser, Brand or Retailer
  2. The network
  3. The Affiliate, also known as an publisher.
  4. The Client

The On-line marketing world becomes more and more complex, and the competition becomes even greater. In order to succeed in the World Wide Web market we’ve developed WEB-AFF,Our high quality Affiliates Network.

The Affiliates Network is a simple way of using the high traffic in content or niche sites to attract surfers to the Merchants site. Unlike paid advertising, affiliate program advertising maintains a lower profile, while maintaining high income and real results. With WEB-AFF both the Merchant and the Affiliate can maximize their profits. The Affiliate does advertising campaigns, increase traffic and purchases in the Merchants site, whereas the Merchant pays only for purchases made buy referred customers.

What is WEB-AFF ?

WEB-AFF is a professional affiliate program which manages your campaign from top to bottom.All you need to do is integrate it with an e-commerce program. Most of the e-commerce programs can easily be integrated.

How cab WEB-AFF help your business?

WEB-AFF is an intuitive, fast, effective and fully expandable.
Therefore it will expand as your business grows.
WEB-AFF manages your affiliates program almost fully automatically.
With our affiliates program you can attract and manage affiliates, and offer them marketing and special promotion tools. WEB-AFF identifies referrals, manage commissions, manage, saves payments and reports.

Who is WEB-AFF for?

Any , Merchant or Online Business can benefit from WEB-AFF.
Tracking and Managing your affiliates is effortless, because WEB-AFF is a
fully automated system.

How does it work?

You can see how it really works below.