Our best
for you!

WEB-AFF contains hundreds of features, below is list of key features to give you a taste of what WEB-AFF has to offer.


Merchants features:

As a Merchant in our Affiliates Network you receive the best tools and managing interface to review and approve new affiliates and advertising campaigns, performances and status, and even get tips and communicate with them.

      Payout options and Mass payments:

      Save your time with our mass payments option. WEB-AFF is fully customized so you can determine payment methods, with own export format for each selected affiliate.With WEB-AFF you can define unlimited number of payout options, for each of your affiliates or for all of them. A fully customized export format will enable you to relate for each of your affiliates.

      Forced matrix:

      A forced matrix is an excellent feature which can professionalize and get higher quality campaigns. It is suitable for Merchant who defined multiple levels of commissions.It is a great tool to expand your affiliates community by periodically compensating your affiliates for sub affiliates performances. Your affiliates will not only want to stay with you and improve their performance but also be motivated to add more new sub affiliates.

Advertising Campaigns:

With WEB-AFF you can keep track and manage an unlimited number of advertising campaigns.Have maximum control over you affiliates and advertising campaigns and their performance.

      Multiple level commissions:

      Your affiliates will want not only to refer users for better sales, but also to attract more affiliates to join your advertising campaign. With WEB-AFF , give multi-level commissions for you affiliates and their sub-affiliates. Have motivated affiliates committed for your advertising campaign and business.

      Commissions groups:

      This features allows you to decide on different commissions for affiliates in the same advertising campaign. You can grant higher commissions for better performing , high quality or higher traffic affiliates. Divide you affiliates to an unlimited number of quality groups and motivate your affiliates for greater sales by a “better performing affiliates” commissions. With this option you will have the best tools for managing and motivating your affiliates.

      Performance rewards:

      Predefine conditions or terms affiliates need to achieve to receive high performance rewards. You can choose to grant them with a bonus commission or change their group to a better commissions group. Decide on different rewards, or even different commission level accordingly to the affiliates sales. For example decide on a 25% for more than 10 sales, or 20% commissions for less.

      Action commissions:

      Pay commissions for any action you decide on. With WEB-AFF you can choose to pay commission not only for sales or leads but for any action you want to pay for.You can change action commissions for each campaigning: for sign up, actions on a specific page, joining a mailing list or any other action from an unlimited options list.

      Recurring Commissions:

      With WEB-AFF you can propose recurring commissions for recurring payments. For example, pay a monthly (you can choose any period of time) commission for membership until you decide to stop the payment.

      Privet Campaigns:

      With WEB-AFF you can have a unique advertising campaigns, for selected affiliates. The Private Campaigns feature allows you to define campaigning visibility:Public, Public with manual approval or Privet.
      This feature gives you even more control over you affiliates and your advertising campaigns.

Promotional tools:

WEB-AFF offers image, link, html and and a variety of banners unique for WEB-AFF. With our promotional tools you will make you advertising campaigns even more effective and successful.

      Banner Statics:

      You can view on time accurate statics of your different banners performances. Compare and analyze which banners work the best for your advertising campaign, which are the most effective and which banners should be changed.

      Image Banners:

      One of the most effective ways to promote your advertising campaigns and affiliates program. Using a graphic image, you can promote and advertise your products and business. WEB-AFF supports a variety of image banners and easy upload to PAP.Have predefined or custom banner sizes. All sized are supported by WEB-AFF.

      Text link Banners:

      If you are limited by your affiliates to only text links, this feature is perfect for you.Create fully customized text link examples, slogans in a simple html format, which are easy to implant in you affiliates sites.

      Flash Banners:

      Maximize your presence, exposure and have more effective advertising campaigns using Flash Banners. One of the most effective and attractive ways to present your products. Have Flash animation, sound or video to take your advertising to a higher level.

      Simple PDF Banners:

      Create customized PDF documents easily. WEB-AFF has this unique tool, allowing you to generate documents with a WYSIWYG editor, supporting also the basic text formatting.Also as a merchant you can have predefined information about your affiliates.

      WEB-AFF has many other promotional tools such as:

      Re-brand PDF, Banner Rotation, Hover Banners, Site Replication, Peel Banners, Coupons, Zip Banners and many more promotional features.

Tracking features:

Performance and sales tracking is the most important tool for an Affiliates Network.
WEB-AFF has powerful and many unique tracking features. Precise, high standard and on going tracking is our motto. WEB-AFF offers not only cookie tracking but also flash cookies, direct link and other visitors new tracking features. All Tracking Features are designated for the creation of our quality Affiliates Network.

      Tracking Methods:

      Advanced types of tracking such as flash cookie tracking result in the most accurate Affiliates Network. We’ve Created WEB-AFF so it will ensure accurate performance. Your affiliates can be sure they have the best tracking methods with WEB-AFF.For more information click here…

      Affiliates Link Styles:

      Choose easily what link is the most suitable to answer your demands.You have a variety of different links: standard, new style, anchor, SEO and direct links.

      Split commission:

      This feature enable you to pay commissions to all affiliates who took part in the sale.This option will improve your affiliates campaigns and will leave your affiliates more contempt. Some sales are a consequence of sever affiliates promoting efforts. You as a Merchant define how to split the commission:

          All three affiliates get equal commission.
          First referrer is the most influential – receives most of the commission.
          Last referrer is the most influential – receives most of the commission.
          First and Last are considered the key elements, will receive most commission.
          You can customize it to the traditional setup- first referrer receives the whole commission.

      Direct link tracking:

      The most SEO friendly and advanced tracking method. When a user is referred through a direct link the HTTP_REFERER address will be corespondent an affiliates page. Every time a visitor is referred to the Merchants Page, the users browser sends HTTP_REFERER information . WEB-AFF checks the information of the user and compares it to our affiliates database. This method is depended on the fact that the browser will send the information, true in more than 90%.Several advantages:

          The Direct-Link is not recognized as an affiliates link, therefore increasing the reliability of you affiliates.
          Some users tend to delete affiliates parameters after copying URL to their browsers.It can’t be done with Direct links because they are mot recognized as affiliates links.
          SEO friendly! You need as much links to promote you sites position in search engines, direct links a the best method.

      Fraud Protection:

      Your attention is not needed. WEB-AFF tracks all generated transactions, and automatically declines fraudulent transactions.* It will also prevent users from double ordering (when refreshing “Thank you” page for example)

      Multiple Currencies:

      WEB-AFF supports multiple currencies payments and commissions. All commissions are set for default values, and are automatically calculated when a multiple currency purchase is made.

      WEB-AFF has many other tracking features such as:

      Life time commissions, channels tracking and custom affiliate tracking code and many more tracking features.

Reporting system:

View and analyze performance of you affiliates and advertising campaigns. Have an accurate, on-time reporting system waiting for you to compare side by side campaigns , affiliates and banners.

      Trends report:

      This feature will let you know where your advertising campaigns are going. View transactions made by date, status, campaign or affiliate. Simultaneously compare different parameters. Transactions list: Impressions, Clicks, Click Through Ratio, Conversion Ratio, Number of Sales, Value of Sales, Commissions, Commission per Impression, Commission per Click and Average Amount of Order.* These transactions can be grouped to any period of time selected.

      Online user report:

      See in real time which affiliates are logged in, and their status.

      Top affiliates report:

      Compare affiliates and find your best affiliates. Keep your best performing affiliates motivated with awards or higher commissions. You can order your affiliates by the following performance parameters: Number of sales, Total sale value, Commissions , Clicks (Raw/Unique), Impressions (Raw/Unique), Click through ratio, Conversion ration , Average commission per click , Average commission per impression and Average amount of order.

      Top URLs reports:

      Compare and find your best converting traffic sources. Adapt your advertising campaigns, to the best selling URLs.

      Quick report:

      Quick Report is a snapshot of your affiliate program performance. It is summary of all most important parameters in your affiliate program. this report gives you a quick on time overview of all the tracked events- impressions, clicks, sales, commissions for a selected time period.

      Campaign, Banner and Affiliate Reports:

      Review highly detailed statistics about any selected parameter. This will enable you to analyze, customize and adapt affiliates, banners and campaigns to maximize your profit

      Map Overlay report:

      Filter transactions by country or set fraud protection depending on visitor’s country.View high performance depending on countries, and start campaigns of different types in different countries depending on the countries marketing styles.